"People of Grace" Directory Interest Form

Hello Grace Family, we are FINALLY updating our church directory. It will include a family or individual photo of our current members and active attenders, along with contact information. This will be done utilizing our Breeze Church Management system, which allows us to do this in-house (and much cheaper)!
Please know that we plan to publish the following information: names; family/individual photo; provided phone, email and address. Please check ONE of the options below.

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
If you opted to include a photo, please choose ONE of the following choices:

Please select one option.


Hello Grace Family, we are FINALLY updating our church directory. It will include a family or individual photo of our current members and active attenders, along with contact information. This will be done utilizing our Breeze Church Management system, which allows us to do this in-house (and much cheaper)!