Worship Assistant Sign-Up Form

Please fill out this form and click "submit" if you're interested in serving as a Worship Assistant in one of the open dates. Please include your name, email, phone number, worship role, and the Sunday date that you'd like to serve. If you are open to serving any Sunday, please let us know that too. Thank you!

Please note that you will receive confirmation for the date you requested to ensure that two people do not sign for the the same worship role on the same date. Thank you!
Please select one option.


Please fill out this form and click "submit" if you're interested in serving as a Worship Assistant in one of the open dates. Please include your name, email, phone number, worship role, and the Sunday date that you'd like to serve. If you are open to serving any Sunday, please let us know that too. Thank you!

Please note that you will receive confirmation for the date you requested to ensure that two people do not sign for the the same worship role on the same date. Thank you!